How to use Chaikin Money Flow

Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) is a volume-based indicator that measures the buying and selling pressure over a specified period, typically 20 or 21 days. Developed by Marc Chaikin, CMF helps traders understand whether a security is being accumulated (bought) or distributed (sold) by analyzing both price and volume. By incorporating CMF into your trading strategy, you can gain insights into the underlying strength or weakness of a price trend and make more informed trading decisions.

What is Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)?

CMF is calculated by analyzing the relationship between the closing price of a security, its trading range, and its trading volume. The indicator oscillates between -1 and +1, where positive values indicate buying pressure (accumulation) and negative values indicate selling pressure (distribution).

Understanding CMF in Plain Language

Let’s break down the concept:

  1. Money Flow Multiplier:
    • CMF starts by calculating the Money Flow Multiplier, which compares the closing price to the trading range (the difference between the high and low prices) for each period.
    • Formula: Money Flow Multiplier = [(Close – Low) – (High – Close)] / (High – Low)
    • If the closing price is near the high of the period, the multiplier will be close to +1, indicating strong buying pressure. If the closing price is near the low, the multiplier will be close to -1, indicating strong selling pressure.
  2. Money Flow Volume:
    • The Money Flow Multiplier is then multiplied by the period’s trading volume to calculate the Money Flow Volume.
    • Formula: Money Flow Volume = Money Flow Multiplier x Volume
  3. Chaikin Money Flow (CMF):
    • Finally, CMF is calculated by summing the Money Flow Volume over a specified period (usually 20 or 21 days) and dividing it by the total volume for the same period.
    • Formula: CMF = Sum of Money Flow Volume / Sum of Volume over 20 (or 21) periods

Using CMF in Trading

Chaikin Money Flow can be used in various ways to enhance your trading strategy:

  1. Identifying Buying and Selling Pressure
    • Positive CMF: When CMF is above zero, it indicates that the security is experiencing more buying pressure than selling pressure, suggesting that accumulation is taking place. This is generally a bullish signal.
    • Negative CMF: When CMF is below zero, it indicates that the security is experiencing more selling pressure than buying pressure, suggesting that distribution is taking place. This is generally a bearish signal.
  2. Confirming Trends
    • Trend Confirmation: CMF can be used to confirm the strength of a trend. For example, if the price is rising and CMF is positive and increasing, it confirms that the uptrend is supported by strong buying pressure. Conversely, if the price is falling and CMF is negative and decreasing, it confirms that the downtrend is supported by strong selling pressure.
    • Divergence: CMF can also highlight divergences between price and volume flow. A bullish divergence occurs when the price is making lower lows while CMF is making higher lows, indicating that selling pressure is weakening and a reversal to the upside might be near. A bearish divergence occurs when the price is making higher highs while CMF is making lower highs, indicating that buying pressure is weakening and a reversal to the downside might be near.
  3. Spotting Reversals
    • Bullish Reversal: A bullish reversal signal occurs when CMF crosses above the zero line after being in negative territory. This suggests a shift from selling pressure to buying pressure, potentially signaling the start of an uptrend.
    • Bearish Reversal: A bearish reversal signal occurs when CMF crosses below the zero line after being in positive territory. This suggests a shift from buying pressure to selling pressure, potentially signaling the start of a downtrend.
  4. Combining with Other Indicators
    • Moving Averages: CMF can be used in conjunction with moving averages to provide additional confirmation of trend strength or potential reversals. For example, if CMF is positive and a short-term moving average crosses above a long-term moving average, it can be a strong bullish signal.
    • Relative Strength Index (RSI): Combining CMF with RSI can help identify overbought or oversold conditions. If RSI is showing an oversold condition and CMF turns positive, it could be an early signal to consider entering a long position.

Final Thoughts

Chaikin Money Flow is a valuable indicator for understanding the underlying buying and selling pressure in a market. By incorporating CMF into your analysis, you can gain deeper insights into market sentiment, confirm trends, and spot potential reversals. However, as with any indicator, it’s important to use CMF in conjunction with other tools and analysis techniques to improve the accuracy of your trading decisions.


  • Money Flow Multiplier: A calculation that compares the closing price to the trading range, used to determine buying or selling pressure.
  • Money Flow Volume: The Money Flow Multiplier multiplied by the period’s volume, indicating the dollar volume flowing into or out of a security.
  • Chaikin Money Flow (CMF): An indicator that measures the cumulative flow of money into and out of a security over a specified period, oscillating between -1 and +1.