“So sorry, but I can’t get this ball to that finish line alone. I see a clear line to invoking betterment for the world and I don’t even need to make it all happen. I just need to keep going and spread the message. While I wait for the world to acknowledge my ideas (even if they take them as their own :wink:) I’ll need support. You can visit our Patreon today to help manifest the mission.” – Stormy Ray Thornburgh
IndicatorSavvy has some lofty goals. Luckily, we’re capable of manifesting them.
Things like accelerating global development, ending world-hunger, and facilitating world peace through hardcore technology developments in the fields of algorithmic trading/investing, capital management and market intelligence, market engineering, quantitative development, econometric science, and intellinomic engineering.
We also have some technology ideas for perfecting data engineering, search space optimization, and AI/ML configuration and optimization speeds.
So, with economics and investment AI we want to change the world right? Fix all of its problems? That’s looking doable but bringing that tech to market could take a lifetime without support. The other thing is, optimizing AI configuration speeds along the way, for all AI–is even MORE profound!
Imagine any piece of software, anywhere, being able to quickly determine all the best configurations for its operations. Think of it like this, every-thing, that outputs any-thing, outputs what it outputs, because of what you input. So what you get out of a piece of software, any software, depends on what you put into it..
If almost all software everywhere is able to cut their config-time down to nil, that is literally the world optimized. Cancer cures will take an afternoon to determine.
There will be new medicines everyday for hundreds of years. Anyone who is doing anything in the world will be able to do it so much faster, because they’ll be able to quickly determine the proper settings for doing so.
That’s it! That’s my life’s work! To 100x global development speeds and success rates in an ethical and mindful way, and to greatly cut down on config-mining times which can be hundreds of thousands or millions of years to find the best settings to actually make something possible!
If I can do just these two things, we will force the world into #TheBetterWorldPlace !! So I have dedicated my life to shaping a multi-generational company that will do the hard R&D necessary to make this Heaven-on-Earth a reality.
You can support these two massive missions and make developments happen much faster by supporting my Patreon! In the Patreon you get access to some pretty cool schwag, memorabilia, and scripts/software!
I’ll be dedicated all the content I make in my life to promoting these ambitions, and even if I don’t succeed my son will take the torch, and we’ll spread the message of what’s possible in the near-future with the right mindset.
If you’d like to be a part of this mission, or you have a job, project ideas, or contract available–visit Patreon or email me at IndicatorSavvy @ proton.me today.